Monday, January 18, 2016

Going Deeper Into the Forest to Find the Light

I am back after more than three years away because of another's excellent post on having the north node in Aquarius (google search), which is the central guiding light of my journey. My north node in Aquarius.

I've been writing screenplays, hoping to get a message of love and healing out to the masses. I've written two and I'm in the midst of writing another. I call it my "rose trilogy."

My quest, as a soul, is to keep going deeper into the forest, the "dark" places, where few of us like to journey. This life, all past and future lives, connected. It's thick with overgrowth, invasive species, with gnarled branches and hidden caves. What I learn on my own journey, I write about. I bring things to light, so that we can all look at them together.

It's a healing journey, if you desire it. We are all wounded warriors trying to find our way back to our tribes. And it is true that as deep as the darkness is that we've created, so, too, is the power and intensity of the light that greets us on the other side.

Go into the forest.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

An artist's depiction of Lady Nada, ascended master. Her symbol is the rose. She helps us in our efforts to experience unconditional love and forgiveness. She guides us toward providing relief for the oppressed. I have come to believe that she is a major unseen influence in my current incarnation, as I write what I call my "Rose Trilogy." Never a conscious decision on my part. The symbol of the Rose came through years ago. As with so many things in my life, first I get the symbols and the pieces. Then I put everything together and get the revelation. To that extent, the major influences in my life, I am definitely going with the flow. All of my screenplays are about unconditional love and forgiveness. Gateway deals specifically with the oppressed, the reviled and the forgotten.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Just completed my second screenplay called "Gateway." I'm on a roll.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Off Latitudes

This is not my country
I am off latitudes
Off longitudes

My country is far away
Rich in mystery
Criss-crossed in ancient voyages
Life delivered up in violent motion
Whispers of a deeper wisdom
A truth more stark
From which no man can turn away
It lies across a vast expanse--its voice resonate
A void
Drawing me in

This is not my country
I am wrecked upon these shores with unfinished business
It is old here
Life turning in upon itself
I do not disparage it
It has its place
But it is not mine
Not today
Not tomorrow
Not ever
My country is restless in its seeking
There is a longing for new life
New adventure
New discoveries
There is always more
"You know nothing
Because I am still creating it"

This is not my country
My country rises up out of the endless sea like a beacon of light
Spilling over with energy and spirit
"I am waiting
Make your peace
I will not change"
Soon, I respond
All compass points turn and listen
Mark the journey home

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Big Picture

I've been busy, so I haven't written many blog posts lately. I just finished writing my first screenplay. Something I did in my off hours from my regular work as a writer. It's about mothers and daughters, mostly, but there's plenty of romance, too. I'm hopin' it rocks those Hollywood readers and makes it to the big screen some day. There's a second one comin' up underneath about a Jesuit priest. Tonally different in every way. But still about parenting, unconditional love, sacrifice and irony. I see a thematic style here...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Spiritual Back Flip

I woke up two days ago in an ugly mood. Suddenly, the veil lifted from my eyes concerning my current, very controversial employer. I knew this employer had a sordid past, but I had managed to put it into a positive light for months. New beginnings. I was there to help.

But two days ago, I was in a dark funk. I allowed myself to sink into the emotional quicksand that must have swallowed most of the long-time employees. I hated everyone. I avoided people. I contemplated looking for a new job. I was unforgiving. The honeymoon was over.
But then, as always happens, the Universe came in and showed me why I was there. Magically, the whole situation did a backflip by the end of the afternoon, and I saw how much my being there positively affected the entire organization. Over the course of several months, God had systematically placed me in a unique position, so that I could touch many lives at the organization, all the way up to the new CEO. All of this without my understanding or assistance.
I'm a communicator by trade. I've had a variety of jobs in communications. Employee communications, of late. And lately, I take pics, too. God has cleverly had me taking pics of all the top execs at this 5,000-employee company. They see me and they do the double take...Now, how do I know her again?
So there I was, still in a dark, dark funk, on my way to an assignment. I had volunteered to take pics the week before, and I was angry with myself for doing so. Just as I was leaving one building to get to the next, who should show up? The two top men in the company. Grrrr. So I am now unintentionally parading the two of them across the long pedestrian bridge, across the massive lobby, and into the hall where hundreds of employees are gathering to hear them speak. They weren't quite sure which room, so I pointed them in the right direction, and I held the door for them when I arrived. The big guy seemed to remember me. He made a point of smiling and saying "hi." A look of recognition in his eyes. Asked me how I was. I was still in a funk, but I smiled brightly back, said I was fine. Well, that did it.
God has a sense of humor. Soon, I was taking photos, workin' the room, making people feel good about themselves, casting my light on the execs, the rank and file, the whole room. I had returned to love. Oh, He's a clever one.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Manifesting...or as my favorite astropersonality so much fun. Take your challenges in life and turn them around. Convert them into affirmations, positive verbal expressions of what you KNOW to be your true path in life. Try it as an experiment. See what you can bring about out of spirit (or light). You will soon discover the power of your own words to manifest your experience here on the planet. And you'll discover that what you choose as your affirmation...I usually have a few going that I recite together...was truly your destiny all along. But now, you have become an active participant as a co-creator with act of free will...directing your path. God wants to have relationship with you in His holy nature. We are not pawns in a game. We are more powerful in love and light...made in His image...truly children of God. We shall inherit the Earth.